Study of the growth of common carp CYprinus carpio L. 1758 In floating cages in the Gharraf River on a local bush north of Shatrah city


  • Ahmed Riad Abdel Hadi
  • Kamel Kazem Fahd



carp fish, overweight, floating cages, culture densities


The current study dealt with the culture of three different densities of common carp, Cyprinus carpio.L. In floating cages in the Garraf River / north of Shatrah city, from 12/2/2020 to 7/7/2021 to obtain the best density of culture per cubic meter. To study the optimal growth, three densities (25-50-75 thickness/m3) were used: 1000 fish for the first treatment, 2000 fish for the second treatment, and 3000 fish for the third treatment, with an average weight ranging between 103 ± 2 and with two replicates for each treatment. One local diet was used for the three treatments, the first treatment recorded a survival rate of 96%, the second 93.3%, and the third 91.98%. The results of the experiment were evaluated according to the following criteria: total weight gain, daily weight gain .Feed conversion rate, feed conversion efficiency. The current study showed the superiority of fish from the first treatment with less significant density than the rest of the treatments, followed by the second treatment and outperformed the third treatment. The chemical analysis showed an increase in the protein contents of the fish body after the experiment for all the treatments in a row, and there were no significant differences for the fish components among the three treatments.


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ISO 690

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How to Cite

Study of the growth of common carp CYprinus carpio L. 1758 In floating cages in the Gharraf River on a local bush north of Shatrah city. (2021). University of Thi-Qar Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(2), 25-32.