Isolation and molecular detection of Pasteurella multocida and Gallibacterium anatis in Poultry from Five Provinces in Iraq
fowl cholera, PCR, poultry respiratory disease.Abstract
The current study aimed at isolation and identification with molecular detection of Pasteurella multocida and Gallibacterium anatis from five provinces in Iraq. Samples were collected from 68-layer farms in different provinces (Baghdad, Diyala, Babylon, Salahuddin, and Wasit). Out of 12 swabs of suspected chicken cases, bacteriological diagnosis detected 5 isolates as Pasteurella multocida by using blood agar and biochemical tests, and out of 21 samples, only 6 isolates were Gallibacterium anatis using the same blood agar and biochemical tests. Additionally, the positive samples detected by RT- PCR technique was used to confirm the isolates. To conclude, Pasteurella multocida and Gallibacterium anatis were isolated bacteria from respiratory infections in layer poultry farms in Iraq.
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