Comparative Histology and Histochemical Study of the Primary Bronchi between Both Male Mynah (Acridotheres tristis) and Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) birds
Primary bronchi, mynah, starling, HistologyAbstract
The current investigation comprised eight adult male specimens of both mynah (Acridotheres tristis) and starling (Sturnus vulgaris) obtained from the markets in Al-Basrah city and the Al-Warka district. The specimens were divided into two groups: four specimens for histology study and four specimens for histochemical study. Dissected the birds to get the right and left bronchi as well as the left and right lungs for histological and histochemical analysis. The bronchi have a fundamental structure consisting of cartilage in a C shape, which is connected by delicate membranes. The bronchi were examined histologically, revealing the presence of ciliated respiratory epithelium and pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium lining its interior. Histochemical examinations demonstrated a high reaction to alcian blue, resulting in the production of a blue color. Furthermore, these samples had a favorable response to the PAS stain, which can be attributed to the existence of mucopolysaccharides and carbohydrates in the cartilage.
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