Applying digitalization techniques in managing agricultural facilities and detecting agricultural pests - a review
Digitalization techniques, Plant diseases. Production efficiency. Economic profit.Abstract
Innovations are one of the most important technical factors that lead to the growth and development of agricultural production and help in achieving sustainable development goals by reducing environmental pollution. In this research, a review of previous studies it conducted that dealt with the study of employing digital technologies to influence the management of agricultural facilities, as well as detecting and diagnosing fungal and insect plant diseases. It has become clear that these techniques help in reducing the use of chemical pesticides and help in reducing production costs and thus increasing the level of revenues generated from the sale of crops and then maximizing economic profits. This means achieving economic and technical efficiency in agricultural production and management of agricultural facilities. It recommended that digital applications used in farm management and plant disease detection to reduce the use of chemical pesticides, as well as the need to train farmers to apply these techniques to achieve efficient productivity and preserve the environment
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