Growth and Yield Performances of Five Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Varieties Grown Under Sulaimani Condition
Environmental factors, Sowing time, Varieties, Growth and Yield improvement, Fiber dry matter.Abstract
Hibiscus is a large genus of more than 200 species of shrubs, trees, annuals, and perennials from warm-temperate, subtropical, and tropical areas are grown around the world. Seeds of five kenaf varieties were cultivated from Sulaimani, Kurdistan for the first time at spring season in two consecutive years (2022-2023). Which was to investigate their growth and yield performances and to adaptation these varieties with Sulaimani climatic conditions. Results showed that, 4383 var. superior on other varieties by having the best growth parameters such leaf number, plant height and stem diameter (239.28 LN Plant-1, 314.48 cm and 24.77 mm), respectively. Additionally, the maximum values of total fresh yield, fresh and dry core and bast fibers were also found in the same variety (454.27, 114.70, 43.43, 55.17 and 19.10 t ha-1), respectively. Generally, the first year of plant growing was better compared to the second year. The best results of both growth and yield parameters were indicated in the interaction treatment 4383 var. in the first year (4383×year1). While, the maximum days for flowering was noted in HC95 var. (119.83). In the interaction treatments HC95 and HC2 varieties both in the second year (HC95×year2) and (HC2×year2), needed to (124.33 days) for flowering, which was the highest number of days. That's while, other varieties also performed well, not only about photoperiodism/day of flowering but also for yield and yield components, which were affected by growing seasons. Finally, could concluded that kenaf plants can be cultivated and developed very well in Sulaimani conditions.
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