Measurement of pollution of water and sediment of the Gharraf River for some heavy elements
Al-Gharraf River, Heavy element, sediments, PollutionAbstract
Study was conducted to determine, at the beginning of this month, the environmental factors and the original sweat levels of the water and sediments of the Al-Sariq River in Dhi- Qar Governorate, approaching the Al-Jarifik River located within the city of Al-Rifai along the river from November 2023 AD to April 2024 AD. The current study concludes by measuring some physical and chemical gains. Air and water temperature, turbidity, sponge, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and element concentrations: lead, Pb, zinc, Zn, and copper, Cu, in river water and sediments. The following depiction is that the element concentrations follow the following order: zinc < copper < lead, their concentrations in the sediments and their accumulation in them are the following types: zinc < copper < lead. The results showed that the water of the Gharraf River is suitable for human consumption, but the sediment levels were high.
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