Effect of potassium, trace elements and cultivar on some physiological traits and sugars at the khalal stage of fruits of date palm (phoenix dactylifera L.) grown in Thi-Qar governorate
The study was conducted during the growing season 2022 in one of the private orchards in Nasiriya district, the center of Thi-Qar governorate, with the aim of knowing the effect of spraying the fruits with potassium and trace elements on some physiological characteristics and sugars of two cultivars of date palm, Al-Shwathi and Al-Sayer. 4) ml-1 and trace elements with concentrations (0, 1, and 2) ml-1. (10 trees) were selected from date palms (5 trees) from Al-Shwathi cultivar, and (5 trees) from Al-Sayer cultivar. The results of the study showed that there was a significant effect of spraying the fruits with potassium, and the concentration exceeded (4 ml L-1). The rate of sucrose was 16.92%), and the concentration of microelements (2 ml L-1) achieved the highest ripening rate at (87.40%) and the lowest precipitation rate at (18.44%), and the highest rate for sugars. The total and reduced sugars amounted to (52.71 and 35.95)%, respectively, and the lowest rate for sucrose amounted to (16.76%). The effect of the cultivar was significant, and the Al-Shwathi variety excelled significantly, recording the highest rate of ripening and precipitation. Respectively, compared to the Al-Sayer variety, which recorded the lowest rates, and all the two- and three-way interactions between the study factors had a significant effect on precipitation, ripening, total and reduced sugars, sucrose, and the interstitial stage.
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