Response of broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis to the effect of hybrids and organic fertilizer K-FULV GROWER in some chemical an qualitative characteristics
The experiment was carried out in the greenhouses of the research journal of the College of Agriculture and the Marshes - Dhi Qar University in the Mohiyah area in the city of Nasiriyah during the growth season 2022-2021. The experiment began on 1111 2021 and is dated 110 2 2022. Replicators and two years old. The first factor is the cauliflower cross here, CEZAR and ANAHAR, and the next factor is the Egyptian KFULV GROWT auger taco (11000 1500 1850) km. An experimental unit, and at the end of the experiment, the results of vegetative growth were recorded, and after analyzing the results statistically, the results showed the superiority of the hybrid CEZAR over the hybrid ANAHAR in the Egyptian clash, chlorophyll, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, and boron. Vitamin C (the rates reached 79.17, 255% and 0.28 00 2.06 49000 001, 1663.79 and 16.74 share 100 upper Uran km from the opening difference concentration 150 are the Arab unit of organic position in the same studied traits, as the results of the statistical analysis showed the presence
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