Effect of spraying levels of nano fertilizer (NPK) and biochar on the growth and yield of wheat
NPK nano, biochar, wheat cropAbstract
The study was carried out at the second research station of the College of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University. The purpose was to investigate the impact of different amounts of nano-NPK fertilizer and biochar on the availability and concentration of NPK in wheat plants, as well as their growth and yield. The experiment was conducted using a mixed soil. The experiment involved the application of five different concentrations of nano-NPK fertilizer, which were labeled as follows: (A0) Control treatment,(A1) Full recommendation of traditional agrarian NPK, (A2) 2/1 recommendation of traditional agrarian NPK + 2/1 recommendation of nano-NPK, (A3) Full recommendation of nano-NPK + 2/1 recommendation of traditional agrarian NPK, (A4) Double recommendation of nano-NPK + 2/1 recommendation of traditional agrarian NPK. There are four levels of biochar represented by the symbols (B0:0%), (B1:1%), (B2: 2%), and (B3: 3%). The addition was based on the measurement of the volume of dry soil. A factorial experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three repetitions. The averages were compared using the least significant difference (L.S.D) test. With a significance threshold of 0.05. The findings demonstrated substantial variations in the effects of incorporating different amounts of spraying with nano-NPK fertilizer and biochar, as well as their interaction, on plant height, flag leaf area, chlorophyll index, number of tillers, thousand grain weight, and grain yield.
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