Editorial Team

Prof. Dr. Muaid S. Ali :
Editor- in- chief.
He is the plant physiology and crops production professor in Department of crop field, Agriculture and Marshes College, University of Thi-Qar.
Phon No. 00964-7808802969
Email: muaid-ali@utq.edu.iq
Prof. Dr. Mahmood S. Abdul Wahid :
Editorial Secretary
He is the Agriculture education professor in Department of Horticulture and Landscape, Agriculture and Marshes College,University of Thi-Qar.
Phon No. 00964-7724000908
Email: mahumed@utq.edu.iq

Prof.Dr. Mohammed H. Abass
Associate Editor
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq.
[e-mail: mohammed.alkinany@uobasrah.edu.iq]
Prof. Dr. Adnan Issa Falhi Al-Badran :
Associate Editor
Biotechnology - Molecular Genetics of Cancer .
Phon No. 00964-7801106559
Email: adnan.albadran@uobasrah.edu.iq
Prof.Dr. Ammar Qahtan Shanoon :
Associate Editor
Poultry Physiology , College of Agriculture, Kirkuk University, Iraq
Phon No. 00964-7704816414
Email: ammar.qahtan@uokirkuk.edu.iq
Prof.Dr. Ahmed Talib Joody
Associate Editor
He is the Agriculture education professor in Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences,University of Baghdad.
Phon No. 00964- 77778585573
Email: ahmed.talib@coagri.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Prof. Dr. Hussein Jasim Shareef
Associate Editor
Date Palm research center, Basrah University
Phon No. 00964- 7702759398
Email: hussein.shareef@uobasrah.edu.iq
Prof.Dr. Manal Mohamed Adel Ahmed
Associate Editor
Biotechnology- Plant Protection, National Research Center - Pests and Plant protection Derp. Cairo- EGYPT
Phon No.00201224214021
Email: mhassanein11@hotmail.com
Prof.Dr.Entessar Aljbawi
Associate Editor
Plant breeding and biometrics
Phon.No. 00-963-11-3947168
Email: dr.entessara@nmail.sy
Prof.Dr. Dr. Yanal A . Al-Kuddsi
Associate Editor
Principal Researcher- Department of Biotechnology- General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research Damascus- Syria
Phon.No. 00963937124123
Email: y.alkuddsi@gmail.com
Prof.Dr. Motasem Moh,d Khai AL-Masad
Associate Editor
Poultry Nutrition, Animal production – University of Agriculture, Moldavia. Jordan
Phon.No. 0791099817
Email: mmamasad@hotmail.com
Prof. Dr. Khaled F. Salem :
Associate Editor
Department of Plant Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute (GEBRI), University of Sadat City, Sadat City, Egypt. Current address
Phon No. 00966050113641
Email: Khaled.salem@gebri.usc.edu.eg
Ass. Prof. Dr. Wageed M. Hadif :
Associate Editor
He is the plant physiology and crops production professor in Department of crop field, Agriculture and Marshes College, University of Thi-Qar.
Phon No. 00964-7827256326
Email: waqeed@utq.edu.iq
Prof.Dr.Mohammed A.Ameer.Alnajjar
Associate Editor
He is the Agriculture education professor in Department of Horticulture and Landscape, Agriculture College,University of Basrah.
Phon No. 00964-7801191968
Ass. Prof.Dr. Saleem E. Mohammad:
Associate Editor
He is the environmental engineering professor in , Presidency the University of Thi-Qar.
Phon No. 00964-7827151252
Email: dr.saleem@utq.edu.iq
Ass.Prof.Dr. Mohammadreza Naderidarbaghshahi
Associate Editor
Crop Physiology, Agronomy and Plant Breeding Department, Islamic Azad University. Isfahan Branch.Iran
Phon No. +989133066854
Email: mnaderi@khuisf.ac.ir
Ass. Prof.Dr. Aqeel Mohammed Jassim
Associate Editor
Shatt Al-Arab University College, Department of English
Phon No. 00964-7801407036
Email: aqeel.al.hamedi@sa-uc.edu.iq