The effect of the microponic mixture and the female cultivar on some physical characteristics of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L., produced from tissue culture and grown in Thi Qar Governorate.
Microponic - female cultivar - date palm - fruit weight.Abstract
This study was conducted during the 2023 growing season at the palms Akkad station in Shatrah District, affiliated with the General Authority for Palms - Ministry of Agriculture, to study the effect of spraying with Microponic at four concentrations (0, 0.5 , 1, and 1.5 ) ml L-1 and the female cultivar resulting from tissue culture (Barhi and Hilali) and the interaction between them in some physical characteristics of date palms. The results showed the following: Spraying with different concentrations of Microponic and the female cultivar had a significant effect in improving the physical characteristics of the fruits during the khalal stage, and the spraying treatment with Microponic at a concentration of 1 ml L-1 significantly achieved the highest averages for: (fruit weight, core , fruit size and diameter) reaching (14.42 and 13.51) g fruit-1 , 13.19 cm3 fruit-1 and 2.650 cm.fruit-1, respectively, for the khalal stage.
The Hilali cultivar was significantly superior in giving the highest averages of fruit weight, core , fruit size, and diameter reaching (16.16 and 15.24) gm fruit-1, 15.08 cm3 fruit-1, and 2.835 gm fruit-1), respectively, in the Khalal stage. As for the effect of the interference treatments, it was significantly superior to the interference treatment between Microponic at a concentration of 1 ml L-1 and the Al-Hilali cultivar gave the highest averages for (fruit weight, core, fruit size and diameter) reaching ( 17.36 and 16.40 ) g. fruit-1 and 16.27 cm3 fruit-1 and 2.927 cm , respectively.
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