Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the uterine tubes in the premature female goats
uterine tubes, Infundibulum, Ampulla, Isthmus, premature female goatsAbstract
This study aimed to examine the histomorphological and histochemical characteristics of the uterine tubes in premature female local goats. For this particular investigation, a total of 10 samples of uterine tubes were used. These samples were obtained from slaughterhouses and were taken from individuals aged between 3 and 5 months. The histological technique involved the execution of a standard approach to prepare histological sections. This was achieved by applying both general and particular Histochemical stains. Uterine tube samples were obtained and stored using a solution of 10% neutral buffered formalin for preservation. Immediately after collection, we conducted measurements of the uterine tube's gross morphology, weight, and length. By employing the methodology of standard histology procedure. Histochemical sections were prepared using both general and specific histochemical stains. The gross examination showed the presence of bilateral uterine tubes consisting of a thick, short, coiled preampulla, a thin, long ampulla, and the isthmus, which is the smallest and straightest section connecting to the uterus. Under microscopic examination, three distinct regions were identified based on variations in their histological characteristics. The data showed that the uterine tubes in kittens were not fully grown, while immature does exhibited significant histological and histochemical changes compared to kittens. On the other hand, mature does indicated that the post-weaning phase plays a crucial role in the development of the animals. The histochemical method specifically identified changes, with a particularly significant positive reaction observed in the isthmus region, which clearly reacted with PAS, AB, and a combination of PAS-AB. To summarise, the latest data revealed distinct variations in the uterine tubes of local rabbits compared to other mammals, particularly those belonging to the rodentia species.The uterine tube exhibited a statistically significant increase in thickness (P<0.05).The uterine tube was subjected to histochemical analysis utilising Haematoxylin and eosin, Alcian blue, Masson trichrome, Periodic acid, and Schiff reagent (PAS) stains..
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